

Mark is a 53 year old United States Army Veteran who served for our country from 1987-1993.


Mark is an older gentleman who served in our military and is homeless, unable to walk and was using a broken wheelchair to keep his mobility and independence.


Unfortunately, Mark is not the only homeless veteran facing mobility, independence and self-sufficiency challenges in San Antonio.


Fred Alvarado, CEO of the local nonprofit, Soldiers For Christ, is a veteran himself who made it his life mission to help fellow veterans in their times of need. When we met Fred at a monthly San Antonio Coalition for Veterans and their Families (SACVF) meeting, we knew immediately that developing a partnership was important. Fred makes himself visible and available to the homeless veteran community in San Antonio and we are a resource providing a much needed service to people in need.


When Fred met Mark and saw the condition of his wheelchair – destroyed, falling apart and unsafe for use – he knew that Project MEND was the answer to this obstacle Mark was facing.


With support from the Texas Veterans Commission, we were able to professionally refurbish and sanitize to the state standards a properly fitted, clean, stable and safe wheelchair for Mark.

Fred is on a mission to continually improve the lives of homeless San Antonio Veterans and we are incredibly touched that he included us in Mark’s journey.




By placing the right piece(s) of equipment into the hands of a person who has no other means to acquire it, lives are transformed and valuable pieces of medical equipment are kept out of local landfills. What we do is simple, innovative, and unique: we provide refurbished medical equipment and other assistive technology devices to individuals who need it.

Place much needed equipment into the life of a person living with a disability today.



Walkers with Wheels

Shower Chairs

Power Chairs

Hospital Beds

Hoyer Lift





Tub Transfer Benches